Box on the try-again layer disappears?

Jun 28, 2017

Hi, why is it sometimes, highly irregular, that the box on the try-again layer disappears? It happen in 365 and before in Storyline 2 as well.


See the files below to see the differens and hopefully understand what I meen.


Jens Wisén, Verisure Sweden

8 Replies
Ali Goulet

Hey Jens,

That's definitely strange behavior! Thanks for sharing that screenshot here.

I'm happy to investigate this with you, but I'll need your help. I have a couple questions to better understand what's happening:

  1. Are you seeing this happen in Preview right in Storyline? Or are you seeing it only after publishing your course?
  2. Can you share a copy of your .story project file here so I can do some testing? You can add it as an attachment right here in a comment.

Thanks again for letting us know about this, and I'm sorry if it's been slowing you down!

Jens Wisén

Hi Ali, hope everything is okay with you and thanks for the quick response.

Yes, this is a very strange behavior. It has happend to me several times and my "work around" is to create a box of my own. The problem i that it takes a lot of time and patience.

Here is the answer on your questions

1. I see it in preview mode as well after I publish my course

2. I made a copy of my course. change the texts  and leave just the five first slides. It´s a very simple course and the try again-boxes is mad by my own

Looking forward to here from you soon



Ali Goulet

Hey there Jensa,

Thanks for sharing that file with me! I went through it a few times, both in preview and after publishing, and the boxes in the try again layers are all appearing for me every time. 

When testing, I published it both to Review and for the web. I uploaded the web version to Tempshare to test it in a web environment. Take a look at them here and let me know if you're seeing that happen: 

If you are, is there a particular slide that it's happening on specifically? 

If you're not seeing it happen in those examples, I have a couple more questions here:

  1. Are you saving the files locally on your computer (your C:Drive or Desktop) or are you working from a network/share drive?
  2. What publishing settings are you using when you're seeing it happen in the published output? 

Keep me posted!

Jens Wisén

Hi, in this case it was "my own" try again-boxes. Thats why they where still there :-)

It was nothing wrong at all with your publisching and i think it´s hard to recreate the problem. Have you never heard of someone else with the same problem?

I always save on my harddrivewhen I worked with a course but the computer is logged on to company network. When I´m finished I put it on C:

Exactly, what do you men with setting?

Have a nice weekend, here in Sweden it´s the same weather as in autumn


Ali Goulet

Hey Jensa,

That weather sounds lovely! It's just hitting summer here in the States 😅

This isn't something I've come across before so I want to make sure I understand what you're meaning when you say your own try-again boxes. Did you have a another version of your file with a different custom try-again layer?

If so, could you share that version here with me? I'd love to take a look at it!

Jens Wisén

Hi there again Ali. Hope that everything is good with you in the summer heat.

Now the same thing happened again. Try again-boxes disappeared and the text resized. In this case, I think it happened after I switched to my own player layout.

The course I'm building now is a system support course and every time this happened earlier is when I built similar courses.

Most often, I put all modules in a main file and then move the modules so they are in their own file after which they are ready. The problem occurs sometime after the course has ended in a separate file.

I attached the latest module where it occurred and I have not submitted my own boxes now

Best regards and keep in touch

// Jensa

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