Bullets - customization isn't being saved

Mar 21, 2017

Hi all, I'm looking for a solution and hope someone can help. Instead of the default bullets, I am using a square bullet that uses our internal red color. I am able to make these changes and the bullets appear as expected.

The problem is: I have to change these settings for every time I use bullets. Is there a way to "save" my custom bullet or do I have to make these changes each time?

thanks, Cathy

7 Replies
Emilio Barbero

Is there a way to at least have a bullet defined in the theme so I only have to chose that one instead of having to make a new one for each text box?
Let me know.

Emilio Barbero, BID, PH
Technical Digital Content Specialist

3020 Gore Road, London, Canada N5V 4T7
office (519) 457-3400 e.2378


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Ren Gomez

Hi Emilio,

I recommend copying and pasting a bulleted text box with the design you have set to save time.

At the moment, there is not a way to have a bullet theme, but I appreciate you sharing the need for it. I’ll be happy to pass your thoughts on to our product team, but you can also feel free to detail them more through a feature request!

By the way, it looks like you may have replied by email where your contact information came through. This Peek video will show you how to edit it out if you’d like!

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