Button not working on html5

Feb 04, 2013

Hi... I have this demo working until today. There's one button that does not work on html5.

When tou see the video, yo can access the test. When you fail the test, you can use the "Indice" button to return to the video. In flash, runs fine but in html5 stops working i can't find why and It was working on Chrome and Ipad

I've compared with a previuos version where the button still works and the only think diferent is that the test is not ramdom

Any suggestions?

Thanks for help

2 Replies
Juanjo Haro

I've created another button and if a remove the trigger "Reset results", the button works... obviousle, doing that, the test cannot be redone, isnt?

I've tried to put the trigger in a slide before the test but it does not work. Only the quizz is reset when is in the "indice" button but thet it does not allow to jump to another slide,

I'm using a test with slides generated with a question banks

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