Buttons out of sync when using slidebar

Apr 30, 2013


 We have created a video that, at certain points, has an option to press a button that takes the viewer to some PowerPoint slides and then returns them to the video at the place they left off.

 This works fine BUT we are having trouble with the slide bar that, when moved during play, causes the buttons to either show up at the wrong time or not appear at all. Why does this happen and how can we stop it?

 We are on a tight schedule here so rapid advice would be a huge help!



5 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes, Phil!

Without seeing the file, it may be difficult to fix this quickly. Are you able to post the .STORY file here?

The first thing that comes to mind is the method you're using to show the buttons. Are they appearing with the timeline, or are you triggering them? 

Also, when users leave the video to view the PowerPoint slides, are you showing these in a layer, or are you having the course jump to another slide?

If you could give more information on how this is setup, or if you could share the project file, that'd be a great help :)

Thanks and welcome again!


Philip Keane


 Thanks so much for getting back to us so quickly! Fortunately we managed to find a solution by creating a hotspot over the entire video and getting rid of the slide bar, as it was running out of sync with the timeline.  We also found the addition of the seekbar was better.  Unfortunately, getting rid of video controls took out the time, which does not show up when using the seekbar.  Small price to pay I suppose.

Thanks, really like the software.

Had another question:

Is it possible to create an area with download-able content?  Thus users can download a word document (for example a mark sheet).

Thanks again,


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Philip!

That's wonderful, very happy to hear you were able to get that worked out :)

Are you wanting to provide downloads for users viewing your course? If so, you could provide a "Resources" tab. You'd be able to attach documents, videos and hyperlinks using this tab. 

If that sounds like something you'd like to do, take a look at the following tutorial for more information:

Attaching Resources to the Player

You can also hyperlink to files from within your slide, using text or buttons, if you prefer:

Adding Hyperlinks

Let me know if you have any questions.


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