Can a file get corrupted by using too many tiggers?

May 23, 2013

I built a page in Storyline that had 10+ layers. It was working fine until I tried to add variables and triggers to control users access to the Next button. It took some trial and error but in one published version everything was working fine, then everything went crazy. Navigation wan inconsistent in my published (web) version and in the native file all sorts of weird things were happening. Animations were being added to slide elements willy nilly and nothing was working in Preview Mode.

I tore down the page and rebuilt it using multipe scenes instead of layers. I added a change state trigger but it would not work in unision with a jump to trigger for the same object. So I tried to delete the change trigger and saved the file but it won't go away. The trigger itself is not listed anymore but it's still triggering the state change.

If I've corrupted my file is there anything I can do to save it? I have days of work into the project. Help!

4 Replies
Nancy Woinoski

Hi Geralyn files can get corrupted for sure but not because you have too many triggers and variables. Phil Mayor created a periodic table with over 7,000 triggers so the number is not an issue. You can see Phil's work in the community showcase if you want to take a look.

Are you working on a network drive by any chance?  This sometimes causes issues so it is best to work on your local drive.

Mike Enders


One quick thought on this aspect:  

"I added a change state trigger but it would not work in unision with a jump to trigger for the same object. So I tried to delete the change trigger and saved the file but it won't go away. "

Trigger order could be playing a part.  Triggers fire from top to bottom, so if your jump trigger is on top of your change state trigger, the change state trigger won't fire.  If so, place your jump trigger below the change state trigger and it should clear up that up.


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