Can I use a dial to answer a graded question?

Jun 25, 2017

Hi all,

I'm adding a brief graded quiz at the end of a work procedure training course and one question relates to which channel a 2-way radio should be set to.

I thought it would be cool to have the user turn a dial to the correct option, as if they were setting this on the radio.

Am I able to use a dial to answer a question? If so, can I also set this to be graded?

Thanks in advance!

8 Replies
Stefanie Lawless

Hi Hazel!

I worked up a quick example that I think might work for you. The first thing I did was make a quiz question that was a Numeric Entry question. Then I placed the dial on the slide. I added a trigger that sets the Numeric Entry variable to equal the Dial variable when the dial turns. I have some "debuggers" on the slide for you to see it in action. You would want to delete those for the learner though. :)

Hope that helps!


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Thea,

In Stephanie's example she used a Numeric Entry question type, and you'll find that as an option within the Graded questions. Once that was added in, she used triggers to set the value of that entry based on the learner actions, which it looks like you've set up as well. I don't see that you have this set up as a question though - so nothing will be marked correct/incorrect until you've set it as a question. 

You may need to rebuild these slides as questions but it should be easy enough to copy/paste those elements to new question slides.

Alyssa Gomez

Hello again, Thea! I took another look at your file, and I noticed you're working with two dials, not just one. That does make things a bit more complicated, but I was able to make it work!

Check out this screen recording of the tweaks I made to your file, then download the updated file I attached here.

Let me know if that's what you had in mind!

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