Can only play a story once using the articulate iPad app

May 24, 2014

Hi There

I have a story file which is built using one of the free templates. When testing it on my iPad I was able to play it offline once perfectly but if I try to go back to the beginning and start playing it again the story skips some slides. Even if I delete the downloaded file and re-download the problem persists.

The template is the Air Mail template - has anyone seen a similar problem either with that template or others?


2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Gunter,

I haven't seen that problem before with the iPad app - or specific to a template. Do you have a course link we could test by loading it into our iPads? You could send it to me as a private message if you'd prefer to not post in the forums. 

I'm also curious if it's loaded in an LMS or on a web server? If it's loaded to an LMS is it possible the LMS is only allowing the user to take it once?

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