Can't Get JavaScript To Work

Dec 09, 2022

I've reviewed the other articles on this but haven't been able to solve my problem. I added a trigger "Execute JavaScript When the timeline starts on this slide" and in the JavaScript section I copy & pasted some code for a confetti effect I found online. So I don't think the issue is with the code, or the trigger, and I did publish the project but the JavaScript still didn't run. Any thoughts? (I'm using a mac but I don't think that should matter.)

4 Replies
Math Notermans

Do share both the code and your Storyline for help... like this its just guessing.
Do check your code in the console and/or an external proper code-editor like Brackets or SublimeText. The code-editor in Storyline doesnot give away errors.

Also watch quote-marks. When copying / pasting from the web this often is an issue. You can easily solve that by checking it in a code-editor or in the console.

Jürgen Schoenemeyer

you have not included the library "confetti.browser.min.js"

I have included the library local in the trigger script - not ideal, but it works

if you use the script several times in the course - there are better ways to include the library