can you add a Captivate 9 software simulation to a storyline 360 project?

Jun 28, 2019

Our finance team created a software simulation of one of the new systems using Captivate 9. Is there any way I can take that and put it into a Storyline 360 module I am building for the rest of the training? 

I would have access to the source files and the Captive 9 app as well.

I'd be grateful for any insight!

17 Replies
Teresa Vanderpost

Hi there, hoping I can tag onto this thread.  I have another department that is creating interactive Adobe captivate videos (4 of them).  They want me to put them in the Storyline 360 e-learning.

Right now they were just going to put them on our WIKI and I would just link to the page and the user will have to come back to the e-learning after.

Is there a way to publish the captivate file (I don't use captivate), that I can tell the other department that would allow me to put it directly on my slide, I know captivate uses flash which is going away, so I assume they can publish to HTML5.  If I put it right in the slide if possible, will it still be interactive for the user?

In the end I know it may still not work.  Sometimes I have tried adding a web object to link to something and I assume it is our tiny LMS that doesn't allow it to work.  Often get a message "refused"...

Oh and I forget do Web Objects count towards size in storyline?  Our LMS allows very little so if it does that option may not work anyway.




Teresa Vanderpost

Hi there,  so I had them publish to HTML 5 and then gave me a link: - I went into storyline and did Insert Web Object and pasted this link in.  But if you go to my review file you will see it says "refuses to connect"...

I have been speaking to the person who maintains this server ...they said the error is the iframe trying to connect to a source not from the same origin.  But I have done this before using survey monkey links and it wouldn't be the same origin.

I attached what she sent me, any thought if a way around this?  I really wanted to put the link on the slide not have to link out to it...

The slide in review is about 7 slides in...

Michael Hinze

It looks like the server doesn't allow this content to be displayed in an iframe. It you set  the Storyline webobject to display in a new browser window is works. If would ask the person who maintains this server, if the permissions can be changed, or if they can provide the published Captivate content, so that it can be included with the Storyline content.

Teresa Vanderpost

Hi Micheal, so yes you are right they just emailed me and said some defame needs to change from same origin to none but she says it is a security risk... she also sent me this information but it doesn’t mean much to me except that even if I change it it may not work in modern browsers...

This is an obsolete directive that no longer works in modern browsers. Don't use it. In supporting legacy browsers, a page can be displayed in a frame only on the specified origin uri. Note that in the legacy Firefox implementation this still suffered from the same problem as SAMEORIGIN did — it doesn't check the frame ancestors to see if they are in the same origin. The Content-Security-Policy HTTP header has a frame-ancestors directive which you can use instead.

So, it should be really set to none but that is a security risk


so I sense she may not do it.  If the captivate content is interactive and not too big can I put it directly in a slide instead of linking out.  I sense I may have to give up amd just link to it




Teresa Vanderpost

I can ask the Captivate person if I can grab a copy of her project...Could you explain the steps if I get a copy of her captivate file, then do I publish it locally, and then graba particular file?  Not sure which file I get to use to insert as a web object....getting closer...learning alot...


Michael Anderson

I'm not familiar with the format that Captivate publishes to, but I'm guessing the html5 version would publish to a folder similar to the way Storyline does. If so, you just need to make sure the main file in that folder is called index.html (it may already be called that in a Capitvate publish) and then insert that folder as the web object. Any sub-folders will automatically be included.

Michael Hinze

If you can get a hold of the published Captivate content, you can simply link your Storyline webobject to the index.htm file of that 'local' content (rather than linking it to some URL). Here is a quick example with some random Captivate content running inside Storyline:

Lakshmikanth Sivashanmugam

Publish the Captivate simulation in HTML5 format

Click Web Object in Storyline

In the popup window, select the folder (unzipped) path where your captivate files are present

Publish the Storyline file (You cannot preview a web object)

(See the screenshot attached for reference)