Cannot access the storyline links in forum

Dec 03, 2014

Hi there - I have bookmarked a discussion that has a link to a story file by Mike Taylor.

Clicking on the link has worked for me in the past, but today, when I click on it, a window pops up with lines of text and code

Can you please help



4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Fiona,

Do you have the link handy? I know that during the transition from ELH 1 to our new version there were some links that got a little messed up but they should all be back in working order now. 

If you're able to share the link I can look into that one specifically - or if you can tell us about the topic/subject/etc. I can try searching for it. Also, you may want to try within a different browser if you're able to. 

Garth Longhurst

Hi Ladies

Thank you for your prompt response.  I normally use Firefox as my browser and this has always worked in the past when I open links.

When I go into articulate help, it takes me into internet explorer, and this is where the links are not working.

I tried Chrome and the link works fine there, so if this happens again, I will just past the url into another browser


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Fiona for the update - and I'm glad you're able to get them working in at least one browser. When you say "Articulate help" do you mean the help tab from the actual application of Storyline? I know with the new ELH platform, there were some links that were not redirecting correctly and our team is aware of that issue and will be putting out a fix in the future. If I'm misunderstanding, could you tell us more about where they are not working and what version of IE you're using so that we could have our team look into it a bit further? 

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