Cannot get slide to appear nor layer to work

Feb 27, 2015

Within my project I have one slide that does not appear in my menu on the left. It has just vanished. I can click through my slides using the next buttons to get to it, but that is the only way to reach the slide (in my LMS and in Preview). Secondly, the button that I have on it should go to a layer, the trigger looks correct in that it is set to show a layer when the user clicks but nothing happens. I'm at a loss for what has happened to both the slide and the slide layer. Any suggestions?

8 Replies
Michael Hinze

Regarding the first question: try resetting your menu as described here: under 'Resetting the Menu to Its Default State'. 

Regarding the second question: can you share your .story file here so that we can have a closer look?

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