Cannot seem to change Feedback TEXT (not formatting) - HELP!

Feb 25, 2015

Hi folks,

I want to change the 'TRY AGAIN' default feedback text to 'OOPS' and then some other text in the body of the message.

I can change the text no problem (in the Feedback Master screen) but the text I have amended just will not appear when I create a new story. The default 'TRY AGAIN' text is there as always as if this text is being taken from somewhere else.

The tutorial for the Feedback Master area gives loads of info on changing format but says nothing about changing the text itself.


Can anyone help me?


Thanks in advance

Matt V

2 Replies
Tony Jones

You can change all the text labels for this kind of thing in the Player Properties:

  • Click on Player in the top menu
  • Click on the 'Text labels' button
  • The scrollable list that appears shows all the default text labels that Storyline uses. The 'Try again' default is around no.115 in that list (TryAgainFeedbackText.
  • Change the custom text to whatever you fancy, then click on the OK button

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