Cannot select an object using Tab

Feb 06, 2023


I am currently working on an accessible course and I am adding alt text to graphics, shapes and pictures. I would like the alt text to be read when these objects are selected. However, I cannot select these objects using Tab nor Shift+Tab, I can only navigate the player. What should I do to ensure the course is accessible? How can I select the objects in a slide using keyboards?


11 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Team RDL,

I'm happy to chime in! I agree with everything that Phil and Ron shared above. But I would also like to share our article below:

Screen Reader Users Keyboard-Only Users
Learners use their screen reader navigation keys (e.g., Down and Up arrows) to move through all text and interactive objects on the slide, listening to each item along the way. Learners who use keyboard-only navigation without a screen reader for mobility reasons press Tab and Shift+Tab to move from one interactive object to another on the slide. Press the spacebar or the Enter key to activate an item.
Use Tab and Shift+Tab to jump from one interactive object to another, skipping text and images. Since keyboard-only users can see text and images, these objects get skipped when tabbing through the slide content. This reduces the number of keystrokes needed to navigate the slide.
Press the spacebar or the Enter key to activate an interactive object, such as a button or hotspot.


Text and images are not interactive objects by default, so Screen Reader users can click their screen reader navigation keys (e.g., Down and Up arrows) to move through them. But if you want them to use the Tab key for text and images, you can add a trigger to each object to make them interactive.

Let me know if that helps clear things out!