Captivate closed captions do not display in storyline

May 24, 2013

Please can you help me?

I have an elearning lesson created within storyline into which I have inserted four interactive captivate simulations. To meet accessibility requirements I need tp proivde a text copy of all audio. I have added closed captions (cc) to the captivate slides and these do display in storyline, provided I insert the the swf files within the storyline slide.

Unfortunately the simulations are too small using this method, so I need to insert the flash swf files using the  show video 'in a new web browser' option.

Here's the weird thing. When I insert the flash file and select the Preview (media option - with big green arrow on the left hand side of the toolbar) option the cc option is displayed and I can click on it and the closed caption text is displayed. However when I publish the course and review it  the cc option displays but when I click on the cc option nothing responds - no text is displayed.

Any ideas - I'm so frustrated my course is good to go apart from this.

Many thanks, Carolyn

1 Reply
Daniel Brigham

Hi, Carolyn: Welcome to the forum, and sorry for the issue you are experiencing.

So it sounds as everything is cool when you preview, but not when you publish. Your computer settings maybe getting in the way. I suggest publishing to wherever the content is actually going to be played from (e.g., web or LMS) and uploading it to that place, and viewing it from there.

This happens to me with videos. They'll play wonderfully on publish, but my computer won't let me see them on publish. So...I need to actually publish to web and then view it on the web to see the videos.

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