Cascading Text into Summary Slide

Oct 06, 2020

Hi, can anyone share how to very simply cascade text in Storyline from a series of text input fields (each field on consecutive of pages) so that everything the learner enters in each of the text fields is automatically collected onto one final summary slide? The learner would need to be able to edit and copy the text on the summary slide.

Thank you for your help!

3 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Bob,

Thanks for reaching out! It sounds like you'd like to have the learner input text in several slides and make a collective summary at the end?

This discussion covers that topic and suggests using variable references to display input text anywhere in your course:

I've attached a sample file to help get you started on how it works. As you'll see from slide to slide, I added a text entry box and subsequently referenced the variable of that text entry in the next slide. 

Preview the file to see how it references all your text entries in one final slide. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to edit or copy text from a published output, so you'll have to use an unsupported workaround such as Javascript to print a slide. This discussion covers more on that. I hope this helps!