Change a Multiple Choice question to a Pick Many

Feb 15, 2013

I've had the need to do this often and it's very simple to do.  In case you ever need to do the same thing, here's a Screenr to demonstrate how to do it.

  1. Insert after the multiple choice slide you want to change a new Quizzing>FreeForm "pick many" slide
  2. Return to the multiple choice slide and select each of the available answers (hold down the Shift Key while you use your mouse to click each of of the choices). 
  3. Once selected press CRTL-C to copy them.
  4. Return to the newly inserted slide an pasted the choices on the slide (press CRTL-V). 
  5. Return to the multiple choice slide and copy any other elements (the actual question text box, images, etc)
  6. Paste these elements on the new Pick Many slide.
  7. On the Pick Many slide, click the EDIT PICK MANY slide (upper right) and set up the question as needed choice all the possible answers and the correct answers.
  8. Delete the original Multiple Choice slide.

That's it. 

14 Replies
Grzegorz Pijas

Hi Leslie

Yes i had the same issue. I wanted to modify question from multiple choice to multiple response. I watched this cast and everything is explained but it does not work. You can even see it on a video. There are still round radio buttons not squares, so if You preview question slide after this process it is still multiple choice with one option.

Ellen Slavitz

Hello, Maria:

Thank you for your response. I was able to solve the Multiple Choice
question problem but have another problem, the same one that this user
You'll see my post at the end.

Here's the trigger on the layer. You see that I disabled the second one,
which prevented the layer from appearing even the first time.

[image: image.png]
Here's the triggers on the Base Layer.

[image: image.png]

With this trigger, the Directions layer doesn't appear at all. If I delete
the condition, the Directions layer appears on every visit.

Thank you!