Change ScorePoints by time in Storyline

Dec 20, 2023


I'm creating a quiz in Storyline and looking for ways to reduce the ResultScore variable over time. This would mean that a student who takes 5 seconds longer to respond has a lower score than a faster one, and thus is transferred to the LMS.

I have looked for resources to be able to do it but I don't know if it is possible. Has anyone tried to do something similar and know if it's possible?

Thank you so much!

1 Reply
Brian Dennis

Scores can be reworked through javascript, though the process isn't easy. Here's a starting point. The Storyline developer needs to be strong in javascript, and trigger construction. All work is done on the results slide.

Define a user-level NUMBER type variable called usrScoredPoints, which gets assigned the value of Results.ScorePoints (an internal SL variable) on timeline start. A second trigger below this new trigger, but before the Submit trigger, is created that runs javascript code. The javascript code can get the scored points using GetVar on the userScoredPoints variable, do some math, and save the adjusted value back to itself. The adjusted points scored can be displayed using the usrScoredPoints variable, versus the standard Results.ScoredPoints value. I like blank Results slides for this type of work.

The challenge is getting the adjusted scored points to your learning management system (LMS). I'd recommend researching around these forums as the code is very complex. Welcome to PM should you get stuck. Good luck - it's possible, but absolutely advanced SL work