change state and return to original when not hovering

Jan 23, 2019

So in the attached slide the learner clicks through the awareness wheel (in a specific sequence) to learn about each section.  Ideally, I would like the learner to be able to hover the mouse over a certain section and for the "Click the wheel to learn about each step of awareness" text to change to the name of the section (Issue, Sensory Data, Thoughts, Feelings, Wants, Actions).  Unfortunately, when I tried to do this it would not always return to the original text when not hovering over a section.  I hoped restore on mouse leave would resolve this but sometimes the state would return to the previous clicked section instead of "Click the wheel to learn about each step of awareness".  Let me know if you have any thoughts for how to resolve this.  Sorry if I was unclear.



3 Replies
Ned Whiteley

Hi Greg,

I started out by creating six new hover states for Text Box 1 (one for each pie label) and tried to have them switch on and off when the mouse hovered over the relevant pie segment, which is what I assumed you tried as well. Although this should in theory have worked, I think I then ran into the same problem that you did -- i.e. some bits worked and some bits didn't. Despite trying several different options, such as re-ordering triggers, I still couldn't get it to work, which baffles me.

In the attached amended version of your original Storyline file, what I have done is to amend the hover states of each of your pie segments to include the label on top of the segment. Hopefully this will effectively give you the result you are after.

The only problem is that I have also noticed some strange behaviour with this new version. Sometimes the pie slices disappear altogether instead of showing their hover state. The only way I have managed to get it to work correctly is to hover over the centre oval before hovering over the next pie segment. For some reason that I cannot fathom, that then appears to cause the pie segment to change to its correct hover state when the mouse hovers over it. This may be a glitch on my computer or else it may need staff intervention to resolve the issue.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Greg,

Thanks for letting us know what you would like to do as well as sharing a sample file for us to take a look at.

I created a couple of custom states for the Text Box - 'Click the wheel to learn about each step of awareness'. I used Issue and Sensory Data for my example.

If you hover over the Center, for Issue, you will see the text change and revert back as you mentioned. If you hover over the top piece (I added a hotspot), you will see the text change to Sensory Data.

I hope this is what you were after and it helps you on your way :)

Updated file attached.

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