Change status of objekt when slider has a range of value, otherwise change to hidden

Aug 15, 2022

Hi folks, i have a problem.

I have a slider with 300 steps. And an object with status hidden should change to normal, when the sliders value is between 235 and 255. But if not, the status of the object should be hidden. The slider starts at 300 and ends at 0.

I created a trigger (change status of object to normal when the slider moves, when value is between 235 and 255) and the object appears, when the slider has a value between 235 and 255.

Then I created a trigger: change status of object to hidden when the slider moves, when value is smaler then 235 and when value is higher then 255

But it does not want to disappear!

Have anyone an idea why the objekt will not disappear?

Thanks for your help

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