Changes in structure and HTML on updates Articulate

Oct 13, 2023

It would be really usefull if Articulate would let developers know when updates change the structure of the HTML. As in a lot of cases its needed to 'use' that particular structure to get something selected and gt your project working.

As im trying to get some old code working in the latest Storyline i did notice this change.

In older versions the slide window was called '#slide-window' in the Storyline generated HTML. In the latest version however it is called '#frame'. So whenever using a selector with '#slide-window' that will fail. Im quite sure some more changes are present in the Articulate code, especially when it will become 64-bit. So for all developers who use more complex code to get Storyline to behave like they want... it would be really usefull if Articulate somehow documents changes in HTML-code on updates.

3 Replies
Math Notermans

The differences occur whenever Articulate updates. So not in the 32-bit version versus the 64-bit version. But on updates of Storyline between older versions and the latest update. Most default Storyline functionality will work and if not they will acknowledge it as a bug ( how long it will take to solve that is unpredictable ), but as they clearly state that Javascript is not covered in support...well any custom JS code you have might fail... and up to you to figure it out and fix it. 

Allthough that might change now as JS is supported in Preview mode. Wondering whether Articulate will support JS now.