Changing state of buttons after section is completed.

May 29, 2012

I have a menu slide with six different topics (buttons). What I would like to happen is when the user clicks on a button, it would link them to a topic and when they complete that topic it would then link them back to the menu page, change the state of that button to visited.

I have created a true/false variable and set it to false and then have placed a trigger on the last page of the section to change it to true.

I then created a trigger on the menu page to change the button from Normal to Visited when the variable is changed to True. 

However, when I preview it, the button changes to Visited state when I click on it, prior to going to the section and is back to Normal state when returned to the Menu.

Any thoughts?


45 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Jillian

'completed' state is a custom state that you would need to create on the object.

click the object, click the states tab, edit states and then you can duplicate the normal state and call it completed and make any changes to it you want (eg colour change or add an icon to represent it is different to other states) It will then appear in the dropdown list (in its own section) to allow you to add to a trigger.

hope that makes sense 

eric mongrain

i am trying to follow the instructions and tutorial.  The attached document shows what i have done so far.  The final step is what i am having issues with.  how do i disable to next button on the diagram page then set it to normal after all the markers have changed to completed and all the slides have been viewed? 

Emma Bailey

Hi everyone

I have tried everything on this thread regarding my programme and I cannot get it to do what I want. 

Essentially I have 6 sections that I want students to complete and after the last question in each section I want them to return to the master menu slide and the section button to become grey so they know they have completed that section. Once all 6 are grey I want then to take the students to an overall results slide (which I haven't made yet as I can't even do do the first bit!)

I have done the following:

- Created a variable named 'complete' and when the student clicks on a button it changes the state of the variable to true.

- Students then need to click the next button to go back to the master slide

- The section button has been set to change to a custom 'complete' state when the variable 'complete' is equal to true. 

However the section button is not greying out - so it's not changing state. 

I have attached my programme - I have only attempted to apply this on the Wrist section so far. Any fix I can then apply to the remaining 5 sections. 

Help would be greatly appreciated!


Patricia Lacerte

Hello everyone,
First of all, thanks everyone for your tips, they were very helpful and now the state of my buttons are reflecting that the user complete some defined sections.

However, I am experiencing issue with the Next button. I want that it change to Normal state only when all my 12 buttons had been visited. However, following the completion of 2 of them, the next button is available and the user can reach the conclusion slide... I also had the opposite problem, even if all the sections were completed, the button still disabled. 

I use the trigger "Change state of Next Button to Normal when the timeline starts on this slide If "all the 12 variables" = True" (I also tried with "State of all rectangles is Completed and I obtained the same result). 

Can you help me please? I was pretty pleased with I finally succeed the complete button state after at least one hour of try and retry, but this tiny problem causes me headaches...

Thanks a lot!