Check Boxes with Variables

Mar 10, 2016

There is probably an easy fix for this, most likely staring me in the face.  I have two check boxes - one for a yes and one for a no.  I need only one to be selected at a time to show a variable on a layer.  Please help :)

4 Replies
Walt Hamilton

If you make them a button set (select and right click), only one can be selected at a time. Then put a trigger on each to open its corresponding layer.

(General programming convention uses radio buttons to indicate that the user can select only one at a time, while check boxes are used to indicate that one or more may be selected. It is not a law, but users should be accustomed to that at some level.)

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Claire! Walt makes a good point and I wanted to share some additional information.

Button sets let you create interactions where the learner is able to select only one object at a time from a group of objects. When a learner selects one object from the set, the others automatically become deselected. See this tutorial to learn more about button sets in Articulate Storyline.

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