Check marks won't hide on layer

Apr 15, 2016

Hi Everyone, I've created an arrow that turns into a check mark on my main slide and set it up as visited states. The state reads: Change the state of the right arrow to visited when the user clicks object. When I go to view the layer of the slide the check mark is visible on the slide.

My question is: How do I get the check mark to be hidden? I don't want it displayed on the layer. If someone would be so kind as to look at my slide to see my dilemma and provide a solution I would be forever grateful. 


9 Replies
Walt Hamilton

You wrote: "Change the state of the right arrow to visited when the user clicks object."

Just sharing something that I know: "Visited" is a built-in state that has hardwired triggers. When you write your own triggers, you run the risk of those triggers and yours interfering with each other. For a long and happy life, I recommend using a name for your state something other than one of the built-in names.

The worst of it is that there is no guarantee when, if, or how the conflicts can occur, but if you use a custom name, there is a guarantee that those conflicts won't happen.

Maree Eilman

Sorry I'm so late in responding but now I'm back to being confused especially when things were working so well. 

This is a picture of my trigger for right arrows and it works perfectly. What do I need to do to it to fix it the right way? 

Please help! 


Walt Hamilton

The built-in "Visited" state only works to change the arrow to visited if the user clicks on the arrow itself.

Since you are not using the arrow as the icon to trigger the jump to the layer, yes, you will have to write a trigger to change the state of the arrow to "Visited", like you did.

Still, I recommend you choose a custom name for the state, like "Completed", or "Done". The problem with using "Visited" is that it brings along all the built-in functions, which are wonderful, if they are what you want. In this case, you may not. For example, because the arrows have a built-in name, they have built-in triggers. That means that when the cursor passes over them, it turns to the hand icon, which may tempt curious users to click. When they click, the arrow turns to its visited state, without visiting the layer. If you want that to happen, you are in great shape, but if not, then you need to change the name of the visited state to a custom name.

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