Checkmarks won't appear when revisiting master slide

May 27, 2015

Hi Everyone,

I've got a little issue which I can't figure out on my own.
At the start of every Scene I've made, there a 3 to 5 buttons which can be clicked. By adding triggers the user will be directed to the corresponding slide. When a slide is finished they will return to the starting slide of the Scene, so they can click another button.

What I'd like to do here is to let the checkmarks appear when the starting Scene is revisited. I've set the initial state of the checkmark to hidden, and let it change its state to normal when the corresponding button is clicked.

However, when the button is clicked the trigger to the corresponding slide is activated (it's ment to do so), but on return the checkmark isn't showing.

I hope my explanation is clear, if it isn't I'll try to explain better.

Thanks for so far!





3 Replies
Michael van Eijden

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for you reply. In the mean time I've already found out how to use the variables and combine everything. 

the post including the video's here on heroes already helped me so well!

For future things, or also people who don't quite get the hang of it of the first try, this helped me very much: 

Thanks anyway!




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