clickable zoom region

Apr 24, 2015

creating a zoom region is easy enough. how do you create a zoom region that is clickable so that it will only zoom when you click on it.

13 Replies
Ian Monk

Hi David,

To Christie's point, there is no direct means to do this in Storyline. That said, I've discovered a bit of a workaround to achieving this effect. 

I created a simplified demo, but this effect could also be achieved on more complex slides too.

All I did was duplicate the 'main' slide I wanted users to be able to zoom and added a zoom region to it. On the 'main' slide, I created a button called 'zoom' which jumps to the 'duplicated' slide with the zoom region. This gives the user the illusion that they have zoomed in on the same slide, but technically it's two separate slides. To finish the effect, I added a back button on the 'duplicated' slide for users to go back.

Hope this helps.




Emerson Collins

Great discussion and work around. Using additional slide as zoom-to area can cause slide miscounts in some LMS systems. To get around that potentiality, you can  fabricate a zoom-in area on another layer using animations, with a zoom out button to return to the main layer. Of course all of this fabrication can be minimize if the Articulate adds trigger capabilities to zoom areas feature. Also, adding zoom areas on layers would be a big help as well. These suggestions have been submitted to Articulate's Request a product feature. 

Marcus Algotsson

I used this solution.

Rebecca Withers
another workaround would be pausing the timeline at a certain time trigger, and then resume timeline when they click a shape or hotspot over the area you want to zoom into, then place the zoom region beginning right when the timeline resumes.

The problem was it only worked one time, because of the timeline.

To solve this I used 'Jump to slide' when the timeline ends, and jump to an empty slide, that only contains a jump back to the zoom slide.

And the zoom-slide setting for revisiting must be 'Reset to initial state' to restart the timeline.

Leslie McKerchie

Hey Marcus,

I appreciate you sharing that Rebecca's solution worked well for you too.

You mention that you still had an issue when you re-visited the slide? Based on your description, you could probably remove the empty slide and just have the trigger jump back to the same slide that is set to 'reset to initial state'. Just sharing an idea in case that's helpful.

Rebecca McGee

I created a zoomed image (.png) and add it to the slide, made it invisible, then revealed it with a trigger I place on a zoom in icon image.


THE ZOOM IMAGE: edit the image state and create a "disabled" state. Then delete the image in the disabled state, and set the initial state to Disabled to make it invisible.  Place a zoom in icon or button in the corner of the area you want them to be able to zoom into and place a trigger on it.

THE TRIGGER: For the trigger I use:

Action: change the state of

Object: the zoomed image

To State: normal

When: user clicks

Object: the zoom in icon I placed on the slide


TO ZOOM OUT: place a zoom out icon or button in the corner of the area you want them to be able to zoom out of and place a trigger on the icon.

THE TRIGGER:  For the trigger on the zoom out icon  I use:

Action: change the state of

Object: the zoomed image and the zoom out icon

To State: disabled (remember I deleted the image of these in their disabled states to create invisibility)

When: user clicks

Object: the zoom out icon image I placed on the slide

Articulate Software

It may seem dumb but what I did was I created insanely long time line. Then placed the zoom-1 portion at for eg say after 600sec. Now I created a trigger to the object to jump to that 600 sec when it is pressed. I created another trigger to return to our original timeline when timeline reaches for eg 605 sec. So 2 triggers and a large timeline did the work.

Suggestions are welcome.