Color palettes added using the color selector not saved in templates

Mar 27, 2023


I am updating our Storyline templates with the new features (playback speed will be a game-changer!), and I created four branded color palettes using the color selector. I had hoped these would be accessible for others using the template, but when I share the files with others via Team Slides or just sending the file, they don't see the palettes I created.

Is this expected behavior? Where is the palette data saved? I know where custom themes are stored (I created four of those and those come over) but not the palettes. See attached image of the palettes.



3 Replies
Michael Marcos

Hello Scorpion Command (cool ELH username btw)

Thanks for writing in, here are a couple of ways to do this. 

Method 1:

The color palettes are saved as individual .xml files in this location on your hard drive. Click on the search button on your Windows task bar and paste the entire text below.

%appdata%\Articulate\Storyline\Color Palettes

You can send these xml files to your colleagues. They'll be named exactly the same as the palette name in SL360. They need to paste these .xml files into the same location on their own computers.

Method 2: 

Ideal for smaller palettes: Create a storyline project, with as many shapes filled in with the custom colors as your branding requires, and name the project something like Company Colors, when your colleagues open that project they can save the Project Colors palette as a custom palette.  

Scorpion Command

I already have the color palette shapes on a slide and hence the project colors, but having the individual color family palettes is far more user-friendly. So I will provide the team instructions on copying the XML files to their appdata folder.

However, since the Themes app data does come over, why not change Storyline so that the Color Palettes folder also comes over? Seems logical to me.

