Complete/ Incomplete status is not working properly, When I Skip slide from one set.

May 23, 2017

I have 50 scenes in one Story file. I have made Questions sets in each senese contains 10 questions in it.

I made it as user can skip questions and directly move to the new sets.

I mark tracking as 50/300/400 and many more slide count options but tracking is not working as per expected.


I want course to view all 50 scenes but should not take each slides from each scenes.


can I customized tracking of course i.e. which slides should be track and which should not be track?


is it possible in storyline. I am using Storyline 360. 

6 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Sagar,

Thanks for your post--that's quite a large course you're working with! I have an idea for you, but I want to make sure I understand the tracking correctly.

You said that you want the learner to view all 50 scenes, but they do not have to view all slides in each scene--is that correct? How many slides do you want the learner to view before the scene is marked as complete?

sagar chavan

Hi Alyssa. Thanks for your response.

That's correct the learner should view all 50 scenes, but they do not have to view all slides in each scene. can I do something that I can set that from set one storyline should pick up 5 screen any out of 10 slides so from each random slides from 50 scenes storyline should view 25 slides.

once 25 slides view from 50 scenes course should display complete status or it would remain incomplete.


I know this sounds critical and challenging but I want to  try this scenarios. please help.

Alyssa Gomez

Ah, I see! My original thought was to add a specific slide to each scene that would be tracked by the LMS, either the first slide or the last slide of the scene. However, it sounds like you want your learners to view any five slides within a scene.

We have lots of savvy folks who are brilliant with using triggers and variables to achieve this kind of custom set-up, so hopefully they'll chime in and make suggestions here!

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