Create a button to reset the slide?

Sep 26, 2013

Is there a way to create a button the learner can click that will reset a slide to its original state? I'd like to create such a button and label it "Reset Slide."

I know I can change the Properties when revisiting the slide to "reset to initial state," but I wanted to have the button right on the slide so learners don't have to do the PREV and NEXT thing to reset.


37 Replies
Julie Cabaniss

Yes, I think the first case was resolved because it was about resetting the slider and associated graphics. I added the reset button and that works beautifully. The open case is about how to prevent them from moving the slider backwards.

Boy, I hope you can help me here, I have spend a few days tying triggers to the sliders. It will be so cool if I can make this happen.


Julie Cabaniss
Instructional Designer
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC)
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Ned Whiteley

Hi Julie,

In version 2 of my Storyline file I now have an additional variable, which I have called SliderStop. This is set to the value of Slider1 when the slider is moved. I then use this variable to do a comparison with the value of Slider1, if the slider is moved a second time, to check that the new Slider1 value is greater than the last value set for SliderStop (i.e. the slider has been moved to the right). If Slider1 has decreased (i.e. the slider has been moved to the left) then the value of Slider1 is reset to the value of SliderStop.

This will prevent the user accessing any of the options to the left of their original selection without first resetting the slider. However, they will still be able to continue to the right. If you only want them to be able to select one option before having to reset, that can easily be achieved.

What you will find is that, although the value of Slider1 will not change if the slider is moved to the left, the button will still move. However, if the user tries to move the slider the whole way back to zero, it will automatically reset to it's previous position.

I hope this is what you were looking for. If you have any queries just post them here.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julie,

On your phone, the option to Edit is within the drop down of "Actions" options below your most recent reply. You'll need to be logged in with the same Articulate ID you used to post the discussion too. 

On a desktop/laptop computer, you'd see Edit listed separately. 

Julie Cabaniss

Hi Ned,

Wow, yours works beautifully.  I mimicked what you did, but I can still drag my slider backwards and all the triggers go off.  I'm attaching my story file if you have the time, I'd love your two cents! I'm wondering if the order of the triggers is meaningful?  I put the StopSlider triggers at the top, but that doesn't have much impact.

Thanks so much for your consideration of this.

Ned Whiteley

Hi Julie,

There were a number of small issues, which I have now resolved in version 2.

I think you were getting a bit confused between your slider variables, not helped by the fact that the slider was named Slider 1, its associated variable was Slider5 and you also had a Slider1 variable as well. I have now changed the name of the slider to Slider 5 and removed the Slider1 variable from this slide. If you make sure that the names of the sliders and their associated variables match up in your other slides, it will make you life a lot easier (I suspect all sliders are currently named Slider 1).

The triggers at the top of the page now look like this (the third one down replaces the one you had that changed the state of Text Box 12 if Slider5 was greater than Slider1):


and the triggers at the start of your slider section now look like this:

The only outstanding problem I have found is that, if you stop on position 3 or 8 on the slider and watch the animation, if you then try and move the slider back, that animation repeats. I will work on this and see if I can find a solution, but other than that, all should be good.

I notice that you are not using all ten steps on your slider. If you don't require all ten steps, you can adjust this in the Slider Tools at the top of the page:

Julie Cabaniss

Ned, thank you so much. I will try this. I may also have the slider go to hidden at the end and then they have to hit the reset button to see it again. Cleo from articulate support also suggested just putting a sceernprint over the slider at the end so they can’t interact with the real slider underneath. Lots of ways to skin a cat - I’m just so relieved I don’t have to take out all my sliders now:). Thanks again!

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Ned Whiteley

Hi Julie,

By placing the T Cell animations on their own separate layer, I have solved the issue of repeated animations when moving the slider to the left. The animation layer is shown when the slider reaches 3 and, at this point the image of the cell on the base layer is hidden.

Julia Salmon


I'm having huge problems trying to reset a slide, having used the new Slide.ElapsedTime built-in variable.

My slide has a series of layers and the user has to click on hotspots, to jump from one layer to the next, to complete an activity.

I've used the Slide.ElapsedTime variable, to measure how long it takes the user to complete the task. Once they hit a 'stop' button, I get Storyline to calculate the number of seconds taken on the slide, based on the Slide/ElapsedTime variable.

However, I have also included an option so that, if their time taken is greater than 60 secs, they can hit a 'retry' button, to try again and improve their time.

I have tried setting the Slide.ElapsedTime back to zero, when they hit the 'retry' button (and jump them back to the first layer and restart the timeline) - but Slide.ElapsedTime appears to ignore this and just keeps adding further, cumulative time to its value.

Instead, when the user hits the 'retry' button, I've taken the user to another slide (so therefore moving away from the initial Slide.ElapsedTime), then re-accessed the slide containing the timed activity. When the user re-enters the slide activity, I begin by defining Slide.ElapsedTime back to zero and restarting the Timeline... but no matter what action I take, the Slide.ElapsedTime refuses to be reset to zero when the user visits a second/third/fourth instance on the activity slide. Once the Slide.ElapsedTime starts clocking up a value, nothing appears to persuade it to reset, for a defined slide.


I really need to be able to achieve this reset - and I need a timer that will keep counting in a single sequence, across multiple layers on the slide. I can't use another option (e.g. to setup a master slide with a counter on two layers of the timeline) - because in doing this, my sound effects and visuals don't carry over in a single sequence, from one layer to the next.

I was really pleased to find the new Slide.ElapsedTime feature, initially - but the apparent inability to reset it - without restarting the entire project settings - seems a problem.

Any advice very welcomed.

I'm creating a complex gamification set of activities in my project and each successfully completed activity needs a timing, so I can then calculate a running score on a scoreboard. This is important, rather than a UI design preference - as I need to be able to demonstrate to senior managers that there has been a measurable improvement in user performance, as they work their way through a software simulation.

Many thanks!