Creating Apps (iOS and/or Android) with Storyline

Feb 13, 2015

Hello All - wanted to check with you all on this just in case I'm missing something. I know how to format the project size to accommodate for iPhone or Android but what I need to know is how can I create a project that is destined to be an app that we will sell in the App Store and for Androids? Will I need to use another program (Swift, etc.) after it's published in Storyline? Should I bypass Storyline altogether and just use app development software (of which I am not familiar yet)?  Thanks so much!

18 Replies
Michael Hinze

I had used PhoneGap once to turn HTML5-published Storyline content into an Android app (could have done it for iOS as well). See a blog post about it here: Technically it works, but you'll have to content with the same limitations and 'hiccups' that you see when running HTML5 output in a mobile browser. I suggest you develop a test case and put it through its paces on as many devices as possible.

Ken Bambace

Hey Matt,

Hope I'm not bothering you with my questions. If you don't have the time
please don't worry. But you've piqued my curiosity...Is there a native
program that uses Swift languge to build the apps? I would much rather use
one of them then learn Swift from scratch.

I will definitely try the HTML5 output from SL like you recommended, but I
would be curious if there's a program that would be better than SL to use
and would allow for a little greater complexities.

Would you be interested in working with me to build the app (or a few apps
if the first one is successful)? Or maybe you have a network of developers
that might be interested.

Thanks again!

sue klu

Hi, is there an app for IOS and android, like there is the Articulate Mobile Player for the ipad? I need to send responsive elearning courses company wide that they can access via mobile, tablet and desktop. I know you can publish to format all these devices and email/send link to courses but I need the users to have them all grouped together in an app, not just emailed.  Hoping this makes sense.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sue,

What version of Storyline are you using? With Storyline 3 or Storyline 360, we have an all new responsive player - take a look at the FAQs here. 

Storyline 3, 360 and Storyline 2 can still all publish to include the Articulate Mobile player which is available in the Apple App store for iPads, and the Google Play store for Android devices, optimized for tablets. If you're using an iPhone, the content will default to showing in the HTML5 output in the Safari browser. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sue, 

The Articulate Mobile player has a library function, but since you won't be able to access that on an iOS phone, perhaps there is a custom library you could set up on your own website or  Learning Management System (LMS). 

Let us know how it works out - I'm sure it's an answer others in the community may be curious about! 

sue klu

Yes, unfortunately our LMS doesn’t support responsive courseware. This is why why I was looking for an app for iOS. Going to be difficult to
roll out responsive courseware without a platform. We will have to look into alternative measures, maybe Allego? Anyone have any experience with this platform?

Sent from my iPhone

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