creating elearning from pdf

Mar 09, 2015

Hi All...I'm brand new...haven't even downloaded the trial yet. But have watched a few tutorials. I've authored 3 PDFs that teach users how to use a certain software package. They are substantial, one of them is 350 pages. Very heavy on screenshots. I'm considering creating elearning from them. 

One of them has 18 chapters. Would I create a separate storyline file for each chapter? 

But my bigger question is this: I have some really big screenshots, even some that fit on 8.5 x 11 when I want to show an overview of what we'll be working on. I can't picture how to make this fit in a Storyline viewer unless I do a scroll box. Is the viewer sizeable? Any other thoughts?

Maybe Storyline isn't the way to go? I'm self employed and this feels like an overwhelming amount of work. Thanks in advance for any thoughts...Jan

2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jan,

I'll let the community weigh in on the specifics of what they've done with creating courses from PDFs, but did want to answer a few of your questions:

You could set each chapter up as a separate course or even include them in one course broken into different scenes or organization and navigation purposes. It's entirely your call depending on how large you'd like the course to be, hosting situation, etc. in regards to the overall file size - but I've seen a number of courses that surpass 350 "slides". 

In regards to the images, you can change the story size (essentially the slide size) for the entire course so that you could fit larger items on it, but then keep in mind that users will be viewing the content in a web browser most likely so that may have to scroll. I have also seen users put PDFs inside a scrolling panel as you mentioned and that's a nice solution as well. 

Hope that helps! 

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