Creating Specific Results for my LMS

Mar 24, 2014

Here's the situation: I'm creating a place where the participant can choose which job they have and be taken to that scene (there are three seperate scenes). Within that scene there is a job specific quiz, from that quiz the participant get their results. The problem I'm having is that when I publish I have to choose which results slide I want to have recorded.

I've thought "I can make a results slide connected to the other results slides!" but the only kink in that is that if I choose the "combine scores" and lower my score then it will show on my LMS. I want to try and keep a consistent pass/fail score because we use our LMS scores for performance evaluations.

So, the long story and now the short question. Do I just make three seperate storyline pieces for those jobs or do you have some other really cool trick I can use?

Thanks in advance!

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