Custom LMS Design

Feb 20, 2014


As a lead developer programming a large project.  Now the issue is the cost of having SCORM or TinCan API, or any of the built-in LMS frameworks are to much for my employer right now.  The question, can I set the:

var strLMSStandard = "SCORM";

to something like this

var strLMSStandard = "CUSTOM";

Then create CUSTOMFunctions.js and basically create my own LMS calls to report to our website locally. 

Basically the reason for this is we have a custom "Assignment System" that is already in place, we do all the score calculation, and what not.  Now I can grab all the information from the slides, and create the HTML5  environment (which is what we're using currently).  Basically our clients will simply just import (Upload) their storyline project and I will scan the required files such as the frame.xml, data.js, meta.xml and user.js files and save them to a special directory within our server.  Then from there I process the data.js and fetch all the assets and files that are needed from the project.  That goes for all images, swf, js files that are needed.

We don't want to use iframe for the concept of handling the storyline so I will simply embed a custom "Template" for the storyline version 13 of course.  There I will load everything and handle it just as if you we're to open the story_html5.html file in a simular concept.

If I create my own functions then I should be able to transmit data between our server as a custom LMS and vise versa.

Is this possible above?  


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