Custom MENU links not working

May 12, 2022

Hi there!

I have a custom menu and submenu panels that link to their corresponding slides. I have created a few custom menus before in other projects and this is the first time it happened.

Links just don't link. I've tried saving the project in Review, web, preview....

Am I missing something, is anyone having the same problem?

Thanks in advance.

3 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Cristina.

Without seeing your file, my initial thought is that it has to do with the menu (layer) showing on hover, and hiding when the user moves the mouse away. 

I'm a little confused about the triggers on your screenshot, as hovering on "3" should show the menu, but also jump to another slide (which would hide the menu). I'm not sure if your variables control if the menu will show again on the next slide.

If you can share the .story file, I'm happy to take a closer look and help you troubleshoot!

Cristina G. de la Rosa

Hi Maria

I'm grateful for that super quick response.

I solved it! I can't share the file because its a for a client but I'll try to explain how I sorted it out.

The problem was on the base layer. I have three identical menus, each one for one different level (high, medium, low)

When you select a character, it changes the variable that takes you to the proper menu.

The problem was on my Master. In addition to the triggers on the menu and submenu layers (already shown) I also have show-hide triggers on the base layer which call a different menu depeding on the variable value. 

My mistake was mixing the values and levels. So everything was messed up and the links weren't taking me to were I wanted.

And the takeaway message from this is that I should test&check much more before panicing.

Thanks a lot for your patience Maria.