Custom Slide Layouts - Title tickbox not working

Dec 11, 2013

G'day Storyliners

I've created a custom Master Layout template with subordinate layouts in order to make my very large project easier to manage.

I do, however, have a problem with the TITLE tickbox within the 'Master Layout' panel - it doesn't seem to work!

  • I select a layout
  • tick the 'Title' box, and
  • close my slide master has no effect when I apply the layout to a slide (i.e. no Title box appears). The main reason that I want the title is for the dual affect of titling the slide on screen and also in the player menu.

Has anybody experienced this issue or am I just going nuts?



21 Replies
Dennis Hall

Hi Jim:

I understand you have checked the Title checkbox while in the Master Slides, however, can you clarify that your end objective is to enter a slide title in the Base layer and have that information also populate in your slide?

If yes, this is the normal behavior in SL.

If you are not getting this result, I suggest you manually delete the title slide title placeholder in the master slide and ensure the title checkbox has also unchecked. Save, exit, and reopen (to be sure everything remains unchecked). Then recreate the title placeholder using the title checkbox again.

The reason I suggest this is because it is fairly easy to have a placeholder that may seem like a title placeholder, but it is just a text placeholder. Doing the process above will ensure you do not see just a text placeholder.

Best Regards,

Dennis Hall

James Picton

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for your help, mate. Unfortunately no joy. Here are the steps that I followed:

  • I deleted the existing text placeholder and hit 'close master view'
  • Relaunched the slide Master view and jumped to the layout where I need a title
  • Clicked the 'Title'  tickbox - nothing happens. Save it, close it view a screen with this layout applied - still nada.
  • I relaunch Slide Master view and there is NO tickbox selected on my layout at all!

It's as if the 'Title' functionality isn't working. I am using the latest build of Storyline, so unless I'm doing something substantially wrong, I'm a tad confused. 

Additionally, I've tried clicking the 'Title' tickbox then inserting a text placeholder with the same effect. Essentially, yes, I end up with a text box I can use for Titles, but it does not behave in the standard SL manner i.e. also populating the slide title when in 'Story View'.



James Picton you believe this may be an issue related to cannabilizing an existing slide master, Dennis? I basically deleted all of the layouts in a new Storyline file but kept the original master slide (although cosmetically it is now totally redesigned) to use as a base to make new layouts.



Dean Hawkey

Has this ever been resolved? I am on 360 with the latest updates and having the same issue. 
I created 90 custom slides for a template before realizing that none of the titles were working.

From my perspective the title checkbox does nothing but turn off the title functionality and once you do turn it off, you can not turn it back on. 

Chris Dorna

Also have this problem. I am working on a SL2-project (created by a customer).

  1. On the lay-out the checkbox Title is not checked.
  2. When I check it nothing happens on the lay-out.
  3. I close the Master View
  4. There is no placeholder for the title on de project slide
  5. I open the lay-out again
  6. The checkbox Title is not checked.

Also when I switch from one lay-out to another and go back to the first lay-out the checkbox is not checked.

Ps. My workarround as decribed in this thread 2 years ago still works!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Chris - I can file it as a possible software bug. 

Sometimes my team catches errors in my logic and we don’t have a bug after all. Of course, if that’s the case, I’ll let you know! 

Depending on priority and risk, some bugs can be fixed quickly, while others take longer to resolve. Here's more information on how we identify and tackle bugs.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing that you are running into a similar issue.

I recorded a brief Peek 360 video demonstrating what I'm seeing when testing Jim's description above.

Please let me know the steps to replicate what you are seeing and I'd be happy to take another look.

Here's how you can use Peek 360 to record your steps as well.

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