Custom Tabs in Player

Apr 03, 2014

I have taken on a storyline project started by another developer who has created custom tabs in the player.  When I click them there is content in the tabs, but I can't find where this content is stored so I can edit it. 

Can anybody help?

8 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Rehan

thanks for the reply.  I am working on a MAC with Parallels Desktop - when I right click I don't get the option to see slide properties - I get the browser right click menu - this is obviously the problem.  So I need to know what combination of keys to click to get the slide properties up



Wendy Farmer

Hi Rehan

i don't think you are understanding me.  When I click the player properties I have two custom tabs that have been set up at the top right hand side.  When I left click on them I can see content in the custom tabs.  When I right click them I get the browser menu with options like Zoom In / Zoom Out / Show All / Print / Settings / Global Settings .  It does not give me slide properties like you showed me in the screenshot of your first reply.

Thanks anyway.



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