Data security

Feb 03, 2023

I would like to ask if projects saved on a network drive are completely safe? What do I mean specifically - when saving them on a network drive available only to our company - are the files safe and cannot fall into the wrong hands? Since this is content that we cannot share, this issue seems quite important to us.

The reason why we chose this method of storage is the possibility of working on a project for several people at the same time.

And lastly, can it cause random layout changes when the project is previewed? The problem appears when the project is transferred to the network drive and occurs with almost every file. We have already tried to move the content to a new project - unfortunately, it did not bring any improvement.


2 Replies
Joe Hauglie

Kamila - Storyline is architectured to work only from a local system (C drive). While you can put a copy of a project (*.story) on a network drive, trying to open and work on that project in a network location is a quick path to frustration for everyone involved.

Our group periodically shares projects as you describe but we learned very quickly that working on them from a network location is not productive. Instead, we each move the project to our local system (C:/My Documents/My Articulate projects), do whatever work we are needing to do, save it locally, then move that copy back to the shared network location.

John Morgan

Hi Kamila,

Thanks for reaching out about this! I would ask your IT department about any general concerns about the security of your network. Regarding your daily workflow using Storyline 360, we always recommend working from your local drive (C:). Working from a network drive can cause erratic behavior. Here's an article with more about that.

I hope this helps!