Delivery over Mobile - Progress

Sep 11, 2019

I am creating a course that will be viewed via mobile. My client is not using an LMS but simple making the HTML5 version available on the devices. I appreciate this means that they will not be able to do any SCORM type tracking but... in the course i use various states and variables, what do I need to ensure so that this information is saved between uses. I understand that this information is held locally, I assume using cookies or something but it doesn't seem to work every time.

Thank you in advance.

3 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Len,

Great question! I believe it's more dependent on the browser you use and whether the player is responsive to the device (think Modern Player vs. Classic Player in Storyline 360).

Though if you'd like an in-depth look into using HTML5 for mobile devices, check out this excellent article on that very topic. Hope this helps!

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