Design Template - Applying Layout Does Not Affect Slide Titles and Bullets

Jun 10, 2019

When I import a PowerPoint file into Storyline, apply a template, and reset the slide layout for each slide, the title and bullets do not reflect the master layout.  I have to manually change the font and bullet colors for each slide, even though the layout I apply already has those attributes.  Is this the way Storyline is supposed to work?  How can I get the master layouts to apply to my slides?

Thank you!

12 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Judy,

Thanks for sharing your file! I opened it up and didn't see any custom slide masters with bullets included, so I'm not sure if that's the problem you ran into (that they weren't carried over upon import) or that you don't see those masters applied to slides when using that layout.

Applying bullet/numbering on a slide master to the individual slide layouts is something our team is evaluating as a feature request, as it's not currently an option in Storyline. I included this discussion in the report filed with our team, so I can keep you posted here once I have more info! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

No worries, Judy! I only mentioned it to make sure we were looking at the right file.

As for the slide title placeholder, those formatting elements should be reflected on the slide when you add a slide using that layout or apply the layout to an existing slide. Can you point me to one of the slides that aren't updating so that I can narrow my testing a bit further? 

Caitlin Curry

 I applied a design template to a new story that contains a Title and Content layout.  I then imported a Title and Content powerpoint slide into that story and applied the Title and Content layout.  The slide did not update to reflect the storyline Title and Content layout. 

Caitlin Curry

Hello Alyssa - The files are different than those in the previous example.

As instructed by Renato, I applied a Storyline Title and Content layout to an imported Title and Content pptx slide.  As you can see in the image I posted, applying the Storyline layout  did not update the imported pptx slide.

I'm ready to let this go.  Thanks for your help.  

Tom Kuhlmann

On slide 1.2 , I'm not sure where the red color comes from. It doesn't seem to be a theme color. You can test it by applying a new theme color.

Generally speaking, when you use a template, it consists of the master with layouts and uses color themes/fonts. When you apply a new layout from a new template it will match the colors and fonts from themes. But if the font and colors were manually applied (which is what a lot of people do when they insert new text or change colors) then they circumvent the themes and won't change.

I notice on your slide, that the theme colors don't seem to be applied to the title. Also, the title text is using Arial and not Open Sans which is the theme font.


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