Disable Button until Quiz Passed

Sep 09, 2013

Hi all,

I have a Menu screen with 4 buttons that link to new modules.  My client has requested that each module be locked until the quiz is passed.  Can someone help with the variables and triggers I need to enable a disabled button when the quiz is passed? 

The Trigger link should should not work until the passmark is reached.  I've attached a VERY basic storyline file so you can see what I mean.. 

Sorry if this has been posted already, I couldn't find this information anywhere.

Thanks again...


12 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Stephanie, 

You can control when a button will appear on your slides using a combination of triggers and variables. Here's a helpful article which explains how to create conditional interactivity in Storyline 360. 

For your specific case, although there are different approaches that can be taken, here's how I'd design your quiz to achieve the desired effect: 

  1. Add an 'attempts' variable that tracks the number of attempts taken by the learner
  2. Set the 'Print Results' button's initial state to hidden
  3. Make the 'Print Results' button visible when the slide loads on the condition that the value of the attempts variable is greater than 2

I've attached a demo file so you can check out how I implemented the steps above to an actual project file. 

Hope this helps!

Karen Byrnes

hi there, 

We have a scenario where users are registering a failed result before they have availed of all 3 attempts.

In this scenario, where the user has failed all attempts; is there a way to disable/hide the 'register your score' button until the user has availed of all 3 attempts.

But allow the Register your score button to be visible where users have passed the attempt

Thanks in advance,


Jose Tansengco

Hi Karen, 

You can control the visibility of a button using triggers and variables. I've attached a demo file which shows how you can change the visibility of a button from hidden to seen after a certain event occurs 3 times. While not exactly the same scenario, you can implement similar logic in your course, particularly for the buttons that you want to keep hidden until a certain criteria is met. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Karen Byrnes

Thanks for this Joe,

However the scenario that I'm working with is an assessment. Where the user passes the assessment I want them to be able to click the 'Register your Score' button but where the user fails I want them to click the 'Retry' button and not see the 'Register Your Score' button until they have availed of all 3 attempts to pass the assessment (where necessary)

If at the end of the 3 attempts the user still fails; then they will have to click the 'Register Your Score' button as all attempts have been availed of so the result and score has to be captured on our LMS.

Thanks in advance,


Jose Tansengco

Hi Karen,

Thanks for the update. I'll leave it to the talented community members to share their design suggestions for you. It might be helpful for them to see a copy of the project that you're working on so they can review the triggers and variables that you already have on your slide. Feel free to share it here if you're fine with it!

Karen Byrnes

Thanks Joe,

Please find attached the course - current project: user passes the assessment they can register their score but where the user fails the assessment (gets lower than 80%)  they can retry the assessment 3 times before having to register their score.

What I want to achieve is that where the user fails the assessment that they do not see the 'register your score' button until they have availed of all 3 attempts.


Thanks in advance,
