Drag and Drop

May 15, 2017

I am working on a graphic representation of the male and female reproductive systems. I set up a (female) graphic and created buttons to match to "arrows" pointing to different parts of the anatomy. For example, a button marked fundus is dragged to the arrow pointing to the fundus of the uterus. When I preview the slide - I can drop and drag over the arrow BUT I get "incorrect" as the feedback and I cannot figure out where I am going wrong. I also tried this with shapes (around the different parts of the anatomy). I can drop and drag but I get "incorrect". Thank you for any input or help on this project.


10 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Thanks, Nancy! With the drag and drop freeform interaction, the learner must drop all answer choices on the drop targets, click Submit, and then you'll see the feedback layer. If they get all answers correct, you'll see the Correct feedback layer. If even one answer choice is on the wrong drop target, you'll see the Incorrect feedback layer.

It sounds like you would prefer the learner to see immediate feedback when they place each label on the graphic, is that correct? 

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