drop-down lists

Apr 25, 2022

Good afternoon.
First of all apologies if this issue is already addressed but I have not been able to find anything like this.
I need to post an exercise that consists of completing some sentences with the correct answers (attached screenshot of something it should look like) and I have used all possible means but I can't figure out how to do it.
I would appreciate any help or suggestions.


9 Replies

Sorry, I did not explain myself correctly.
For each blank, to be filled in, I have three options and the student must choose the correct one.
Prevention is the set of measures taken (by workers / by employers / at all stages) of the company, in order to (analyze / avoid / record) the (risks arising / stoppages / conditions) of work.
The drop-down list should contain the 3 options for them to choose the correct one and
choose the correct one and, at the end, the course should give them feedback on each of them.

Mandy Lasky

Hello -- I think I understand. The way I do this is:

Set up your sentence on screen. Where you want a dropdown list to appear, create a rectangle and type "SELECT" or something similar in it (maybe with a down arrow, etc.)

When the learner clicks that SELECT box, it opens a layer that shows the three choices in a dropdown list. To create this, add three rectangles right below the SELECT box and type an answer in each. 

When the learner clicks one of the three choices, the state of the SELECT box changes to that word, and the layer hides so the learner can progress to the next selection. 

Does this help? 

For feedback, I turn incorrect answers red, and correct answers green. I also disable correct answers so they cannot be changed while a learner makes multiple attempts to get all of the responses correct. (I also trigger feedback layers depending on true/false variables - whether all of the SELECT fields are correct.)

Walt Hamilton

There are a lot of ways to do this. Most of them are used for menus, but you can use drop down lists for input, too. The attached sample may help you get started.

There are two things to be aware of:

1. All the text in the lists can be easily changed by changing the variables. That means if you want to change something, you only have to change it once, and it shows up in the lists, and is changed in all the triggers, too.

2. Theoretically, it would be possible to to use all one state to show the sentence after the learner makes each  choice, by changing the text or state. That would allow you to close up the gaps, but I didn't want to work that hard.


Thank you very much Walt Hamilton
I am working with the project you sent me but I can't get the scrolling panel to disappear once an option is selected, the 3 options remain displayed even though I have all the actuators as you have sent them to me.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much for your help!

Walt Hamilton

On the menu cierre layer, you need to select the  "hide layer when timeline finishes" property. Otherwise, it is always showing, and the timeline never starts again.

These triggers need to be Not equal to, rather than equal to:

Also, if the seleccionar boxes have a white fill. you don't have to click exactly on a letter para iniciarlos.