Embedding vidoes from an internal website

Jul 28, 2014


I'm trying to embed a video from an internal video sharing website. The embed code I get for the video will not work in Storyline. The error message I get is "Storyline cannot insert a video from this embed code"

Here's the embed code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://vztube.vzwcorp.com/jwplayer.js"></script><div id="VZTubeVid22655_9">Loading your video...</div><script type="text/javascript">var VZTubeCount22655_9=1;jwplayer("VZTubeVid22655_9").setup({flashplayer:"http://vztube.vzwcorp.com/jwplayer.swf",height:385,width:640,controlbar:"bottom",

backcolor:"ED1C24",repeat:"false","logo.file":"http://vztube.vzwcorp.com/player-logo.png","logo.link":"http://vztube.vzwcorp.com","logo.out":"1","logo.position":"bottom-right","logo.timeout":"10",playlistfile:"http://vztube.vzwcorp.com/getVideoID.php?id=22655",events:{onPlay:function(){if(VZTubeCount22655_9 ==1){VZTubeTrack22655_9=new Image();VZTubeTrack22655_9.src="http://vztube.vzwcorp.com/videoembed.php?id=22655";VZTubeCount22655_9++;}}},plugins:{"http://vztube.vzwcorp.com/captions.swf":{state: false}}})</script>

Is it because this is based on javascript?

is there any way to create and embed code from the link for the video?


Mark Smithhisler

7 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mark,

I'm not equipped to assist with Javascript, but copying that code out and testing it on a general code testing site did not load the video either, so I'd suggest looking further at the Javascript you've set up and the embed code created. Where did the video come from? Are you able to provide a direct link to the video or download it and place within your Storyline course?

Mark Smithhisler

Thank you all for looking at this.

This was indeed an internal website but I was connected to the network when I attempted it. The embed code is provided on the video site in a simailar fashion as You Tube but the code is apparently geared toward being used on one of our internal websites which are all database and PHP driven. The administrator of the video site was able to help me out though and construct a new code out of the information that was in the javascript code. It looks like this:

"<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://vztube.vzwcorp.com/getVideoID.php?id=22655&type=embed&autostart=true" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>"

Gaynor Price


I am having problems with embedding code from external an external website. Using storyline I have embedded the code and then go to options to press the Preview arrow on the left of the screen. Nothing happens.

I have tried to publish the project but then all the slides are empty. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I have followed the steps on articulate tutorials but I am obviously doing something wrong.



Kevin Thorn

Embedding video is tricky. Most common and popular sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc. house their videos on public sites and the embed code is catered to sharing (blogs, Facebook, etc.)

It's quite a different animal when dealing with internal media servers, firewalls, and proprietary code. As Mark shared above, a quick test is to use the tag with a tag pointing to the video's location. For all intense purposes that should work, however if it doesn't then it may involve talking with someone who manages the media server in order to access the videos.

If you're inside the firewall when testing it shouldn't be an issue as long as you 'publish' and not 'preview' AND you're pushing your output up to an internal web server on the same network behind the same firewall. Even then, getting all that to work there are additional tests for your intended audience.

In the end unfortunately, there's no one single way to solve embedded videos. It's a trial by fire approach!

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