Ensuring all slides are visited + re-taking quizzes

Aug 17, 2015

Hello everyone,


I'm working off of this template: https://community.articulate.com/download/storyline-2-sleek-custom-ui-template#

Each of the chapters has a quiz associated with it, and at the end of the module, we want to give the learners the opportunity to re-take the quizzes in each of the chapters.

However, once the user re-takes the quiz in the first chapter, as soon as they are taken to the 1.2 Menu slide, the layer "Close" pops up and the user is forced to exit the course.  This was set up so that the course would close automatically after the learner has visited all chapters. 


My question is this: How do I set it up so that the learner is forced to visit all chapters, yet still has the opportunity to re-take the quizzes and get a better score?


I know there's got to be a workaround, but I'm having trouble putting it together.  I've set up a "Submit" button on the conclusion slide, and am thinking I'll have to take out the trigger for closing the module on the 1.2 Menu slide...  But how can I set conditions on the "Submit" button to make sure all other slides have been visited?


Is there a way to set conditions on a button based on other chapters?

Thank you so much for your help in advance!


7 Replies
Kevin Thorn

Hi Anna,

Are you wanting to allow learners to retake two quiz after each chapter, or just at the Conclusion, or in both instances?

First thought to ensure learners visit all chapters is to create a True/False variable for each chapter. e.g., chapter1, chapter2, etc.

On slide 1.2 Menu, any chapter buttons not yet visited set their initial states to Disabled. 

Add Slide triggers to change the state of a chapter button to Normal *if* their associated variable is equal to True.

Then add a trigger to either the first or last slide in the chapter to "Set variable 'chapter#' to True when timeline starts."

Retaking Quiz...

Assuming each quiz has their own Results slide. You can enable the retake/retry quiz button at that slide. Of if you'd rather wait until the end of the course, don't allow retrying at each quiz level. 

At the end of the course add another slide - a Results slide. When the Results Slide properties window appears, select all the other Results slides to report to this final Results slide. 

This ending Results slide will add up all the scores from all the quizes and present a passing score. 

If you want to display each of the other quiz scores, just references the system variables (Results.ScorePoints, Results.PassPoints, etc. and/or any of the four system variables).

The challenge here is we can't use or access system variables yet. So you may need to create another variable to track correct answers. You may not want to display (reference) their score rather a simple "You did not pass chapter's 2 and 5 quiz. Retry?" Finally, a Retry button that jumps back to those failed quizzes with a Reset Results (the associated Results slide to that quiz) trigger.

Doable, but will take a bit of planning and setup.

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