Error when i create Multiple Fill in the blank in one slide

Jan 24, 2021

I have created 5 slides of multiple fill-in-the-blank Quiz in my project. I have set varaibles to do so when i preview the individual slide it is working fine but i when i preview the entire scene if the first slide(i.e quiz answer) is correct then all the follwing slides give answer as correct even if i enter invalid answer for the next slide. Similarly if the first slide(i.e quiz answer) is incorrect then all the follwing slides give answer as incorrect even if i enter valid answer. Not sure what mistake i am doing, I have attached my project can someone please help me with this.

2 Replies
Herminder Singh

The revised file is attached. The variables that were used for checking correct/incorrect needed to be reset after every question. For example if the variable becomes true at first question then it will remain true throughout, thus all the following slides gave correct irrespective of the typed values. Hope this helps. Cheers.