Examples of questions - but not a test!

Oct 16, 2013

Hi Guys, Hope you can help (again!)

Does anyone know any examples where storyline has been used to get information from people?

For example, we need to know how our customers feel about their finances, whether they worry about money etc etc. I thought about creating the the questions, then setting a specific score to each answer, so that at the end of the quiz, we can display a specific slide depending on the total score (of the complete quiz) to that customers answer. I.e.:

Question 1 of 3

Do you feel overwhelmed by your debts? 

  1. Yes, very overwhelmed
  2. I could do with a little help
  3. I manage my debts fine.

Question 2 of 3 etc....

8 Replies
Harri S

In that case I would probably set up custom variables to track the user's response when they click submit.

You could set up a true/false per answer per question then use that to populate a 'review you answers slide' showing all of their responses then use a counting variable on that slide to determine how many As Bs Cs are present.

I've attached an example of this extracted from a course I did a while ago - the content won't be much help but the trigger panel should be useful.

or - if the maths works out-

You could make three number variables A, B and C and then add to them only when the user clicks submit.

Each time A could score 0 B could score 1 and C could score 10 then you would know for a 6 question set what the user is likely to have answered. 

I'm sure someone else will have a more elegant way of achieving this.

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