Examples of Storyline Interactions

May 09, 2016


I am looking for some advice on where to see good examples of how Storyline can bring out or demonstrate interactivity in certain situations or activities. 

For example, we need to author some Powerpoint slides that we use for role play activities into Storyline and host them on our LMS. Typically, we would simulate some call centre interactions and even some retail or hospitality cases. But, we don't really know much about how they should look, or what is possible with Storyline. So, we'd like to get a look at what can be achieved by an experienced designer. 

Is there any place where we could view examples of things like this in order to get some ideas? 

I'm a total novice with e-learning and Storyline, so I'm even sure of the correct terminology. So, please excuse me if what I'm saying it unclear. 

Any advice on this is very much appreciated. Thanks! 

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