Feedback layer button text color

Jun 13, 2014

I want to preface this with the fact that I have read just about every thread on Feedback masters and customizing the feedback layer (continue) button. I just have one simple yes or no question:

Does the text color of the "button" placeholder on the Feedback master and layouts map to any of the advanced color editing settings on the Player>Colors & Effects screen?

Based on everything I've read and my own experimenting, the answer is most likely "Nope." If I adjust the position and the background color of the button placeholder, the changes are reflected on actual feedback layers. But none of the font color changes I make to this placeholder on the master or layouts is reflected on the actual layers. 

5 Replies
Robert Lengacher

Thanks, Ashley.

Concerning the Player job aid: My original question in this thread was prompted by the fact that the "Editor>btn_bg" property seems to have no effect on the feedback layer buttons as it does on the other auto-generated pop-ups. Is there a way to check with developers to see if it is supposed to work or should I submit a feature request. From the other threads I've read, evidently better control over the auto-generated feedback buttons is already a feature that the developers are aware of for future versions. By the way, this job aid is great, and I share it with all new instructional designers and grad students who work for me.

Concerning the "customization" link and video: That's actually one of the many things that I viewed before I posted, but it still requires manual tweaking of every feedback layer to achieve a custom button (either pasting a button every time, or adding variables manually every time). I'm testing a solution that I hope to share soon that will allow us to use a feedback button styled as we want without the need for pasting a button or adding variables. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Robert,

I love the player job aid too  

In regards to the pop up box/button colors - I do believe that it's currently by design, and that's where the feature requests for additional customization of the feedback layers/continue button/etc. are coming from. Since the pop ups like the resume prompt, invalid answer, etc. don't actually have accessible layers - those are the ones controlled by the color indicators in the player job aid. 

I'm interested to see your solution soon - as you're on target again that it requires some tweaking. Although if you add these elements to the feedback master itself, you'll see them on your individual feedback layers, but the initial continue button will still be present as well and then you can move it completely offstage. 

Either way, if you'd like to share some additional thought on it - feel free to send in another feature request here. 

Robert Lengacher

Hi, Ashley,

Here's a link to the Screenr I just created with my method:

A couple of notes on what worked best for me:

  • I had to customize the feedback master first - Trying to customize a feedback master that is already used by items in the project causes issues. When I tried to customize a master that had already been used. The regular old gray button would appear as normal instead of being transparent with a super small font.
  • I always customize a clean feedback master - Although my team has used a Feedback Master saved with our custom design and this solution with no problems. It just needs to be a clean build when first being constructed.
  • This solution is obviously best for rectangular buttons 
  • The hover state on the button is not great
  • It's not pixel perfect. The tiny text of the default button may be visible to an observant user, but it's really not that bad.


  • All customization of the buttons is handled on the Feedback master - no need to paste items or add triggers on the try again layer.
  • No need to move the button placeholder off the screen on the side

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