Fill-in-the-blank exercise with next button blocked

Jul 10, 2014

Hi everybody,

I need your help about the attached module.

On slide 1.2, it's a fill-in-the-blank exercise to let learners to fill the blank with a word they have to find themselves.

For the moment if they click on the next button they can go to the next slide without completing the blank.

But I need them to answer ALL the blank shape before going on the next slide even if they are wrong. And after completing ALL the text entry (right or wrong in 1 attempt), they can be allowed to go to the next slide by clicking "next" button. I can't do a state for text entry so I don't know how to block the "next" button.

Maybe there is another way to do this fill-in-the-blank slide and to block the next button until they complete all the blank...

Can you help me?

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