Forgive the newbie's questions...

Dec 04, 2013

Hello everyone,

I'm brand new to the e-learning world. I am in charge of the training at our statewide domestic violence/sexual assault coalition. We are venturing into the e-learning world and one of our sister coalitions uses Articulate Storyline.

I'm wading through all the tutorials at the moment. I see that it says you can publish to "ipad", my question is will the courses work with all apple products and how hard is it for folks to use a course on a Mac? My users will have no technology expertise AT anything that will require them downloading apps etc will prove to be difficult and frustrating for all of us. Thoughts?

Also, I noticed a few threads about elearning conferences. Are there any that you are all aware of that are specifically for nonprofits? There is no way we could afford a $1200 conference. But I'm a "hands on" person and would love to be at a conference to wade through all this. Ironic since I'm now in charge of convincing others like me that e-learning is the way to go.

1 Reply
Mike Enders

Hi Jennifer and welcome to the Heroes community!

Storyline can publish three ways...

1. Standard desktop browser (flash based)

2. HTML5 (for mobile devices)

3. For the Articulate iPad app.

Option 1 will play in your standard PC/MAC browsers.

Option 2 will play in mobile Safari (for example, the iPad browser) and in most desktop browsers.

Option 3 requires the user to download the Articulate iPad app to view.

The reason for #3 existing is that HTML5 (option 2) is an incomplete specification and is still being developed by the various governing bodies that do such things.  Hence, you will find that a course you develop will perform much better when published for 1 or 3.  So we want to make sure folks on iPads can have a great course experience and the app allows that to happen.

What you can do is publish to all three formats and then post to your LMS/server.  The Storyline course will then determine what format to serve up based upon how the learner is accessing the course.

As for conferences...we are planning a series of Articulate Community's a thread if you'd like to chime in:

I hope this helps!

And once again...welcome to the community!  We're glad you're here!


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