Formatting of slides and videos in Ipad

Apr 09, 2015



We are getting some issues with the format and layout of the slides when we are publishing the SCORM packages for LMS. The video player is not visible at all in Ipad and all the sliders are not visible at. I am attaching the screenshots so that the difference can be made out. Any help on this will be really appreciated.




8 Replies
Abhishek Dasgupta


I am not worried much about the scrolling panel. My main point of concern is
that the video player along with the controls are not loading at all in
iPad. We are using Mobile Safari and also tried using google chrome in Ipad.
Both has the same issue. We also tried this in Scorm Cloud. The issue
persists there as well. So I can't really say that this is an one odd issue
specific to the LMS.

Also, is there any way we can restrict the course/package to open in the
same window rather than opening in a new window? We have unchecked the
checkbox in the settings which asks the course to launch in a new window.
The course is launching in the same window is case of desktops. But in case
of iPad or android devices, its launching in a new window.



Abhishek Dasgupta


Another thing which we noticed when we publish the files in HTML5 is the
reporting doesn't work properly. It doesn't show the interactions at all, be
it in desktops (PCs) or Mac or iPad. We have checked the same thing in SCORM
cloud and it's the same issue there as well. Any help on this will be much



Abhishek Dasgupta

I have already created a ticket for support. However, I thought any
suggestions/thoughts in this forum can be really helpful. We are nearing the
project end date for a very important client for us and we need to get this
resolved as soon as we can. Any help will be much appreciated.



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